Fan Palm Thorns and Teeth
Includes Trunk Spines
(For very sharp leaf-ends Look up Trithrinax campestris)
Brahea clara
Yellow thorns on most Brahea
Washingtonia filifera x W. robusta
Gold to orange thorns
Livistona australis
Juvenile thorns, yellow
Livistona australis
Mature thorns, bright mahogany
Livistona australis
Back of rachis
Livistona eungella range
Thorns are separated a little more than in australis
Livistona saribus
Juvenile plant
Livistona saribus
Very old tree
Trachycarpus fortunei Naini tal
Teeth. Rachis back
Trachycarpus wagnerianus
Very small teeth, rachis top
Trithrinax brasiliensis
Rhapidophyllum hystrix
These long needles are hard to see.
For more fan palm genera with thorns or teeth not listed above investigate: